Save and load game progress
Players' progress can be stored in SaveGames files. They freeze the whole playing experience which allows to pause and resume the game anytime.
Each access to SaveGames is managed through the SaveGame Manager interface:
Saving the game's current progress
To save your current progress:
- From within the game click
Pause Button to open overlay menu.
- Select Save Game....
- Select the game slot:
- To override an existing slot: Select the savegame you want to replace.
- To add a new slot: Find the slot titled New Savegame having a white preview image.
- Type a short description into the caption field of the slot.
- Click Save button.
Using Autosave
The game creates an automatic savegame slot and stores the recent progress each time the game is played.
Only one slot
There is only one AutoSave slot which will contain the last game session. When starting a new game or loading a savegame this slot is always overwritten.
More to know about AutoSave:
- Create your own savegame slots. The basic idea behind autosave is just to preserve your progress in case of game crashes.
- AutoSave is a special slot that will not appear for selection when manually saving.
- If you don't want to see AutoSave in the savegames list, you can hide it in Settings.
Loading a SaveGame
To resume an earlier saved game:
- Go to Main Menu. If you are currently playing, exit the current game using
Pause Button and return to Main Menu.
- In Main Menu select Continue Saved Game.
- Select a savegame slot from the list and click Load.
More to know about Loading:
- The menu item Continue Saved Game is not accessible before the game was saved at least once.
- The number overlay
indicates the Episode of the slot's progress. A game saved in Episode 1 will have an overlay number of 1 and so on.
- In the free/demo version SaveGames from Episodes later than 1 are not supported and not shown in the slot list.
Deletion of SaveGame slots
To delete a saved game:
- Go to Main Menu. If you are currently playing, exit the current game using
Pause Button and return to Main Menu.
- In Main Menu select Continue Saved Game to open SaveGame manager.
- Click the recycle bin icon in upper left corner.
- Select the savegame slot you want to delete in the list and click Delete to delete the savegame immediately.
- When done, click the recycle bin icon again to return to Load mode or click Cancel to return to main menu.
Once deleted savegame files are gone forever and can not be recovered.
Backup SaveGame files
In rare cases like for backup or uninstallation you might need to access the savegame files manually. To perform an manual backup of savegame files:
- Go to Main Menu. If you are currently playing, exit the current game using the
Pause Button and return to Main Menu.
- In Main Menu select Settings... .
- Scroll down to the item Explore Savegame Path near the end of the list and click on it.
- Finder or File Explorer will open an folder where all savegames are placed. Copy all files to your backup drive.
To restore an earlier backup of savegames:
- Open Savegame Path in Finder/File Explorer by repeating the first 3 steps described above.
- Exit the game.
- Copy/Replace all savegame files from your backup drive into the folder.
- Restart the game.
Cloud Synchronization
When using Steam client, savegames are synchronized automatically between all devices using Steam Cloud services. Synchronization happens before the game opens and after the game was closed.