How to play

The following list summarizes common gameplay actions in A Room Beyond. Availability of some actions depends on progress in game, game release and purchases.

Cursor Symbols and Action Types

 Next slide. Dialog texts or zoomed views freeze so that you can take your time to look at it. Click once to continue when you have read the text.
 No specific action. This cursor appears when no specific interaction is possible in a game scene. At some places it is used for 2D interfaces, i.e. inside game menu dialogs.
 Touch, push and pick up. Click to trigger various actions like pushing buttons and levers, touching surfaces or pick up items into inventory (see below).
 Examine. The eye cursor indicates that you can get more information about an object or area when you click on it.
Hint: At some places the cursor changes into another interaction cursor, i.e. pickup, only after you examined the area using the eye cursor.
 Cursor History. When a cursor appears grayed this indicates that you already performed the action. When you click again, the same action is triggered as before. Using this technique the game avoids you see immediately what you already know and where undiscovered elements can be found.
 Walk. Click on a place on the ground to move the game character towards the clicked position. If the character cannot move exactly to the clicked position, he will try to walk as close as possible towards the clicked area.
  Double click on ground to run.
  Some trails are not obivously visible.
  You can stop walking or change the walk target by clicking to a point on the ground anytime, even if the character is already moving around.
 While walking no other actions (like examine, pickup, ...) are possible until the character stopped walking which is indicated by a footsteps cursor.
 Treasure Hunt. The spot below the cursor might hide a treasure! Click to get a description of the spot. Drag an inventory item on the spot to search for hidden items.
  Different treasure spots may require different tools to find a treasure. For example to open a chest a key may be needed, to retrieve a buried treasure a shovel may be used, etc. The spot's description can give a hint of what tool is needed.
  Not all treasure spots contain a treasure, some a just empty.
 Lantern Drop Spot. The spot below the cursor can be used to place a lantern. Drag a lantern from inventory and drop it on the spot.

Character Interaction

You will meet a variety of non-player-characters (NPCs) which you can interact with. They may appear in human, animal or ghost shape. Some are friendly, some are hostile. Interaction possibilities differ accordingly.

 Talk. When you meet other characters, you can talk to them when the speech bubble cursor appears. Simply click on the character to start a dialogue.
  You can talk more than once to some characters to gain new story information.
  Listen to characters carefully as they might give you valueable hints on how to proceed.
  Talking about objects. Characters can comment on objects in your inventory. To hear what a character knows about an object, drag the item from your inventory on the character.
  Talking about topics. Some characters know a lot. The bubble cursor will open a set of topics that are available for discussion. Choose one by clicking on it. Select the Exit button to leave dialog mode.
Topic Selection Dialog
Topic Selection Dialog
 Attack. Click to fight an enemy. To hit the enemy the player character has to stand close to the enemy character. Some beats may not hit, but each hit weakens the creature until it dies.
  When the player character is close enough to hit the enemy the enemy can also attack the player.
  Using weapons. Fighting with bare hands is possible, but using a weapon is much more effective. To use a weapon, drag it from inventory to the player character. Inventory items currently used as weapon are labeled with a ruby.
  Some non-player characters can carry weapons, too! Drag a weapon on the character to arm. Drag another weapon to the character to exchange the weapon and to return the previous one into inventory.
 Player's health. Keep an eye on the player character's health which is represented by a heart symbol in the upper right screen corner. Each injury will make the heart turn more gray. When the heart is completely gray, the character dies.
  Click on the heart icon to see a numeric value of the character's health.
  When the character died, you have to restart from scratch or the latest saving point.
  Benefits from experience. Fighting is influenced by two major components: the weapon used to hit an enemy and the experience gained from previous fights. The more characters fight, the stronger they get.
  Remember that this applies not only to the player's character, but also to NPCs.
 Heal. Click to fill up the player character's health. This action is possible at some healing wells at different locations.
  Some healing wells may give just small portions of healing or they may dry up after some usage.
  Some items can be used to take healing water into inventory.


 Web Link. Opens a website in your system's default web browser.
 Godspeed. Click to make the player character walk towards the flash's position. Click a second time while the flash is yellow to teleport at that point immediately.
  Teleportation points appear at specific points in game after the character walked over them once. Video
  This feature may not be available in all versions.

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