Keyboard Shortcuts

Desktop Version (Windows & MacOS)

The game can be played entirely with mouse input only. However, following keyboard hotkeys are provided for Desktop Version, too.

HotKey Functionality
Esc Open Menu or Cancel. Press Escape key to open the in-game menu or to skip the opening credits movie.
Space Confirm dialogs. Press space key to confirm text displayed during a dialog. This is identical to a left mouse button click in dialogs.
+F12 Save Screenshot. Press Shift+F12 to take a screenshot which will be saved in a subfolder "screenshots" on your desktop.
Alternative ways to take a screenshot:
On Steam use the framework's hotkey F12.
On MacOS use the system's hotkey Command+Shift+3.
On Windows 8, use the system's hotkey Windows+Print.
Previous Slide. Press left arrow key in slideshows to navigate to the previous slide.
Next Slide. Press right arrow key in slideshows to navigate to the next slide.
Scroll Down. If you carry more inventory items than can be displayed on screen, press down arrow key to scroll to the next row of inventory items.
Scroll Up. If you carry more inventory items than can be displayed on screen, press up arrow key to scroll to the previous row of inventory items.
Ctrl Show Visual Hints. Press and hold Control key to make points of interest glitter. Additionally screen exits sparkle blue, if this is activated in Settings. Hold right mouse button to have the same effect like pressing Control Key.

Mobile Version (Android)

Because of the extremely limited set of hardware buttons on mobile devices, keyboard support for the game is limited to the back button which mainly corresponds to the escape key of Desktop version.

HotKey Functionality
Open Menu or Cancel. Press Back button to open the in-game menu or to skip the opening credits movie.

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