FartFiasco Manual
How to play
- Press Play button to generate a new level.
- Tap the cow to push it forward.
- Reach the gate to win a level.
Reach the gate to win level
A level is lost if...
- ... Cow touches Garlic.
- ... there is no Gas left to make another move.
- ... Hay pushes the cow off stage.
- ... Cow touches Fire
- ... Timeout happens in timed levels.
- ... you open game menu and cancel the level.
Earning ruby score
Collect stars to earn score.
Collect stars for local score. - When the gate is reached all score collected in the level is added to your global score.
- When you don't reach the gate, all score collected in this level is lost.
- Score from collected stars are transformed into rubies.
On level completion stars turn into rubies.
Other factors may increase the number of rubies earned in a level:
- When there is a time limit, time remaining when entering the level is turned into additional rubies.
- When there is a gas limit, gas remaining when entereing the level is turned into additional rubies.
- Collecting beans count as collecting stars and therefore increase the total of collectible ruby score.
Total number of rubies collected across completed levels is shown on start screen.
Level stars
- Additionally up to three level stars can be earned. The number of stars depends on the relation between collected and available stars. When you collect all stars available in a level, you earn a level star rating of 100% which is 3 stars. If you only collect 50% of collectible stars, your level star rating will be 2 stars.
- Level Stars are summed up to a global count of stars.
- Rubies and Level Stars are required to unlock Quests.
Up to three level stars can be earned depending on how many of the available stars were collected. Total number of stars collected across completed levels is shown on start screen.
Infinity Level
- Very first two levels are tutorial levels to introduce how to play.
- When tutorials were completed, infinity level is available.
- Press the orange play button to enter a randomly generated level. Each time you push the button a new level is created using available game elements.
- Complete quests to unlock additional elements for infinity level.
Push Play button to generate a new level.
Free vs. Premium Version
There used to be a free and a charged version, but meanwhile Premium is free for everybody. Enjoy!
Quests Premium
- Questmaps are collections of additional levels which are not randomly generated, but designed for special challenges.
When a questmap is available a lock appears above Play button which shows the required score ressources.
36 level stars are required to unlock the next level. 28 level stars have been collected so far. -
Continue playing infinity level until you reach required scores which will turn the lock into a flying cup. Click/tap the cup to open quest map.
When unlocked a cup appears. Click/tap the cup to enter quest map. A Quest-Map. Blue: Already completed level. Orange: Next level to play. Complete all gray levels to finish questmap. -
Complete all levels of a questmap to unlock an additional content element for Infinity Level Generator.
Example: Cat is unlocked after winning last level of cat's quest map. Cat may appear in Infinity Level now. - Quests are a Premium feature. In free version only first quest map is accessible which unlocks Gas and Beans
Quest Overview
- Garden Quest:
Complete 7 special handcrafted levels to add Bean resources to Infinity Level - Cheese Quest Premium:
Complete 9 special levels and beat the cursed mouse boss. Unlocks moonstone content and mouse shape which breaks moonstones. - Bird Quest Premium:
Complete 4 special levels on time to unlock timeout level design in Infinity Level. - Scarecrow's Quest Premium:
Complete 5 special levels to unlock cat shape which hints towards points of interest. - Labyrinth Quest Premium:
Complete 4 special labyrinth levels to continue your journey. - Hay Quest Premium:
Complete 5 special levels to unlock hay blocks in Infinity Level. - Apocalypse Quest Premium:
Complete 4 special levels and beat the cursed chicken boss to unlock fire obstacles and chicken shape which enlightens hay blocks. - Treetop Quest Premium:
Complete 12 special levels to unlock most difficult night mode in Infinity Level.
Game Elements
- Main character to be controlled by player.
- Tap to push forward.
- Move into Gate to win the game.
- Level is lost when cow pops/dies.
- Collect to earn score.
- Collected stars turn into Rubies, see Earning Ruby Score.
- Ratio between collected an available stars give level star score (1-3), see above.
- Calculated from collected stars and player performance in levels.
- Required to unlock some quest maps.
- See also Earning Ruby Score.
- Kills the Cow
- Simply fly around and don't touch it.
Earth Stones
- Earth stones are indestructable obstacles.
- When an animal collides with earth stones it will bounce off a bit. The stone does not move.
Moon Stones Premium
- Moon Stones are obstacles made of cheese.
- When an animal collides with moon stones it will bounce off. The stone may also move.
- Use mouse shape's skill to destroy moon stones.
- Force field made of moonstone fragments make an animal slide along.
- Appear in levels with limited Gas.
- Each move costs some gas. When gas is empty, the cow dies after a few more moves.
When gas counter is empty level ends soon. - Collect beans to fill up Gas.
- Each collected bean increases Ruby Score at the end of the level.
- Gas remaining when Gate is entered gives additional ruby score.
Find key first.
- Move Cow into Gate to win a level.
- If a gate is locked, a key must be collected first to enter the gate.
Hay Premium
- Hay is a road blocker so the Cow has to fly around them.
- Hay is allergic to cattle! If a cow is close, hay stars sneezing which will blast the cow away.
- If the cow is blasted off the game board the current level is lost.
- Use chicken shape to set hay on fire and remove it from stage.
- Pro tipp: Turn into another animal shape to move along the cow without making it sneeze.
Fire Premium
Cuckoo clock Premium
- Some levels have a timer running. To win the level, gate has to be reached before the timer has finished.
- Time remaining when reaching the gate is converted into additional Rubies.
Animal Shapes Premium
- If the Cow collects a bubble it will transform into another animal.
- Bubbles are randomly spawned in Infinity Level once the corresponding quest map was completed which unlocks an animal game feature.
- Animals (except Cow) have a special skill which can be activated by pressing the orange button on lower screen side. A time delay may occur before a skill can used again.
- Collect a bubble with a fur ball to transform back to Cow shape.
Mouse Premium
- Collect a bubble with cheese to transform into Mouse.
- Press skill button to destroy Moon Stones nearby.
- Force fields made from moonstone fragments can not be destroyed.
Cat Premium
- Collect a bubble with a ball of wool to transform into Cat.
- Press skill button to show/hide dots which indicate the direction of items of interest around the cat. Bigger circles show objects nearby, smaller circles show objects in distance. Circles' colors match the contents:
- Yellow: Stars
- Bright Green: Beans
- Dark Green: Gate
- Brown: Key
- Blue: Bubble